designer English "Matthew Williamson" Total elegant and innovative
fashion autumn and winter 2012.2013 not characterized prints and
overlaps colorimetric innovative only but characterized copied Anaakther
conservative and quiet, where can not describe the group only riches,
both in the raw materials used, or
through groups colorimetric approved, or prints and designs graphic
modern coordinated and consistent with each other, forming designs
bearing of innovation and seriousness enough to form a clothes day
successful by all standards, mixing classic and contemporary, and the
group included pieces varied and practical, between dresses long with
skirts wide,
and short narrow, and another with a story broad partially, known tale
character of «A.» English, in addition to short skirts straight, and
pants with the classic story, and silk shirts, and the crews of pants
and jackets with the story tight, as well as sweaters, coats wide, as
blending designer
between sweaters Sufi with long sleeves and narrow neck higher under
shirts chiffon transparent, to enhance component mixing colors, known
for always, and adopted the designer orange with turquoise light in
editions of dresses, long and short, seemed closer to the summer, or the
sunny day is rare in winter, As
overlapped color combinations to create woolen coats and other fur, in
tune and harmonic sequences for all the pieces that came together in a
smart and innovative.