2012 Beauty Trends

The year 2012 will definitely be remembered for a few things: The devastation from Hurricane Sandy, the re-election of President Obama, and the end of TomKat.

Much farther down the list for most people -- and embarrassingly higher on ours -- are the hair and makeup trends from the last 12 months. And for those of us obsessed with all things beauty, 2012 did not disappoint.

Skip ahead to see the best and worst beauty trends of 2012.

There was the fab, the drab, and the you-can't-be-serious. If this year's beauty trends were combined into an art piece, it would be a Jackson Pollock. Conceptual and avant garde are becoming mainstream, so much so that runway looks aren't even all that crazy anymore. Not when you've got red carpets filled with neon hair, vampy lipsticks, and diamond-encrusted nail polishes.

So, with only a few weeks left in 2012, we decided to take a look back at all of the top beauty trends that went viral this year. Keep reading to see which ones we're hoping will stick around a little while longer -- and which ones we hope die before the ball drops.

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