There was a time when fake eyelashes were reserved for the podium and mere mortal women only dreamed about them. Today is different. The day has come when every female can enjoy thick, long lashes.
This new jewel for beautiful eyes is a great weapon for seduction. And you don’t even have to go far or pay much to attain it. There are kits of fake lashes on the market which can be affixed at home using special glue. They have an adhesive strip, but most women feel safer when it is reinforced with glue.
Also disposable, but with a longer “life-span” are the tufts of eyelashes placed in beauty salons. With the help of tweezers and silicone glue, they are implanted among the natural eyelashes, giving them more volume and thickness. These lashes can endure for two weeks or more, but you need to be careful not to harm them at night while sleeping. They also require regular maintenance.
If you cannot afford expertly placed fake eyelashes, you can always use folk remedies for improving your own natural ones. Before going to bed at night, carefully treat your lashes with castor oil to make them thicker, longer and shinier.