Diet ice cream loses 4 kg after two weeks

Dieting endless discoveries .. Nutritionists and in a constant race to look for new and innovative systems in a permanent attempt to kill red tape and overcome Ali fatigue, which often affects the strength of purpose in killing even after a while from the start Dieting as a natural result, especially for sweets lovers

 They research who proved their job for the largest proportion among the owners of heavy weights ... sugars often the main reasons for weight gain, as plentiful as it is known to lead to the accumulation of fat in a large difficult over time to get rid of them, what builds over many years is difficult to get rid of it in the days of numbered. nutrition professionals has worked on innovation systems diet based on eating more sugars but distributed appropriately and must abide by thoughtful and carefully to get the best results, and between these systems ,

Diet ice cream, which met with great popular demand by fans of obese people, as it has proved successful great was not expected for its ability to attract many. Here we can only offer thanks (Ice Cream), which proved to be a has a great ability to provide a feeling of fullness and makes your appetite for a long period closed. The ice cream is better than candy qualities and different types of cakes and biscuits, as these food group working on a feeling of fullness for only half an hour, and after this short period you are hungry more than ever before ..

Says d. Neil Solomon Dieting expert and teacher at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Hopkins, it is able to use ice cream to reduce your weight, as a small amount of ice cream is enough to send a message to the brain to indicate you have dealt with your food, which gives you the feeling of satiety Here's a summary of the advice provided by the order d. Solomon If you do not want more than the number of calories you eat per day to 30.1 kcal ..

Consequently you can eat a limited amount of your favorite people of ice cream may be every two hours if you were given the opportunity to do so, especially if you are from housewives and you are at home gives you the opportunity to address a wide variety of food for fun or you feel hungry or for any other reason , note that eating a medium spoon of ice cream gives you at between 15 and only 21 calories This amount would be enough because you avoid feeling hungry.

Provided, however, that the flat ice cream spoon and be careful not to fool yourself, so Inclusion Use a knife to settle the surface of the ice cream spoon even get rid of the unwanted increase, and before that eat ice cream spoon we have prepared the enclosure to the freezer or we will proffer to eat more, If the ice cream iced largely leave for a short period in order to gain some warmth, where he If iced significantly you will not feel the delicious taste.

Also make sure that the test enjoy full taste of ice cream which increases the feeling of satiety after impact after eating those small amount to five minutes. And explains d. Solomon said .. (While working various other types of candy on reducing your appetite by sudden rise in the level of sugar in the blood for a period of half an hour, the ice cream gives you a feeling of fullness for a longer period continues for two or three hours in a more moderate manner .. This means that half an hour after eating sweets and types Cake various different back in the blood sugar level to drop significantly and rapidly perhaps more than before address these brands, which works on a sense of what you feel hungry before and this does not happen when eating ice cream.

He adds d. Solomon about his experience (I've treated hundred of patients who are overweight delicious food in this way, which depends on ice cream, were all impressive results, you just follow the diet ice cream for two weeks and will surprise the Bank had lost 4 pounds during this brief period has d supported. Julian Splmulz professor of nutrition at the University of Texas theory d. Solomon completely, and added that this Dieting requires taking capsules of vitamins and minerals daily as an adjunct, and in any case advised d. Solomon the need to consult your doctor before starting the diet ice cream, especially if you are pregnant or infected with sugar.

    To start the diet ice cream you first division of different foods that are used in the accursed into five groups are in:

    Group A

Rely on fruits and natural juices with the knowledge of an obligation not to exceed the amount're taking it more 40 calories ...
Any apple (small fruit) _ apricot (2 medium fruit) _ Banana (small fruit) - Kantalub (small chip) _ pear (small fruit) _ Strawberry (3/4 cup) - blueberry juice (a cup of sugar can sweeten industrial) _ Tin (one fruit) _ fruit cocktail (cup) _ Tin (one fruit) _ grapefruit (half a cup of juice ) _ Grape (12 fruit or about half a cup) _ or melons (small chip) _ orange (fruit one) _ Orange juice (half a cup) - Peach (medium fruit) _ pineapple cubes (half a cup) _ plum (2 medium fruit) - Yousfi (medium fruit) _ tomato juice (1/2 cup).

  Group (b)

Eggs and dairy products (quantity proposed containing 80 calories) and it is possible availability in one of the elements food following:
Low-fat cheese Quraish (3/4 cup) _ boiled egg _ skimmed milk (average cup) _ yogurt few fat without fruit (3/4 cup).

    Group (c)

_ A loaf of bread grain and vegetables contain carbohydrates (each volume contains 140 calories thermally) _ Toast (2 slices) _ uncooked beans (cup) _ boiled beans (cup) _ cannelloni prepared with milk skimmed (one slice) _ boiled pasta (cup) _ grilled potatoes (one fruit) _ boiled rice (_ cup) _ grilled potatoes (medium fruit).

    Group D

And contain different types of meat not contain more than 225 calories.
Chicken breasts (small chip) _ Red Meat fat-free (a small slice grilled) _ grilled fish (slice small) _ crabs (2) _ sliced ​​cold meat (2) _ shrimp (2) _ Tuna Reserved water, not oil (2 tbsp) _ issuance of turkey (small chip) _ veal (slice Medium).

    Group (e)

It is made up of non-starchy vegetables that contain only 50 calories.
Lettuce (medium fruit) _ beet (cup) _ boiled cauliflower (cup) _ raw cabbage (2 _ cup) _ cabbage Boiled (cup) _ poached Islands (cup) - green beans (cup) _ Green Pepper (2 cups) _ mushrooms (2 cup) _ Okra (cup) _ _ cup onions _ raw spinach (2 _ cup) _ boiled spinach (cup) _ tomatoes (2 medium fruit) _ tomato soup (cup) _ boiled zucchini (2 cups).


You can eat the amount you would like to eat cereal, cucumber, radish, and also a cup of popcorn is salted and fat-free alternative to the fruit.
Here's an example of an appropriate daily diet program to lose weight, you can select your own:


Choose a kind of fruit in the group (a) represent (40 calories) and another type of group (b ) (140 calories) and one egg or any product from dairy products (80 calories) of a group ( c).


_ Steak grilled chicken or fish choose the amount of group (d) 225 calories and vegetables from the group (e) 50 calories, and then choose what she desires of the group (b) 140 calories, and coffee or tea without sugar or milk or a bit of any moisturizer dedicated beverage diet.


You can eat fruit from the group (a) not to exceed 40 calories, and you can replace eating a cup of soup is the center, tea, coffee or Diet soda .. Knowing that you can eat any of these items at any time between meals .. Thus, the total calories that can be obtained in this accursed will not exceed the required number and therefore get the best possible results.

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