Keep your waist through these simple tricks

Despite strenuous efforts being made in order to maintain your waist - and despite all the concessions made by the sake of it - you may ceded completely cake favorite - despite all that you can not get on the waist attractive and svelte and went all your efforts in vain ... Why?
I'm not the first woman to feel frustrated. There are 62% of women say that the most important area haunt them is the abdominal area. So you do not lose hope - all others the way you think. It became clear that the old advice relating to food and we are pursuing for years is incorrect, according to Alan Aragon, a specialist in nutrition and Westlake, California. The new research provides new strategies to reduce the stomach and lose weight constantly. The following doctor now offers some tips based on the questions that have been received from some of the participants.

Do you limit small meals of hunger?
Contrary to what you're used to reading the strategy of eating five small meals a day is not suitable for all persons. What is New Thought? The issue is not in the number of small meals, but in the size and content of small meals. There are a lot of people do not understand the meaning of snacks as the concept of snacks changed over the years until it became snacks interfaces do not differ from the main meals. In the last thirty years has increased the size snacks of 360 calories to 580 calories and that means an increase of 500 calories per day. If it is important here is to focus on the quantities and not on the number of times.
How to distinguish between good fats and bad fats?
Watch this the following scientifically valid information: fat intake helps you slim, according to the doctor now. The Institute of Medicine recommended that contains the total caloric intake one day to 20% of fat. Of course I would not consider it a call to go to the nearest fast food restaurant. Must include healthy fats in your diet - Monounsaturated fats such as almonds, avocados and healthy oils - Stay away from foods that contain fat Contrastive such as baked foods. The publication of the Journal of Health report food that a diet rich in fat health helps people lose weight and body fat, even without change in the volume of consumption of calories. So look for foods that contain good fats such as beef fat-free eggs and cream and low-fat cheese.
Is the only solution to get a flat belly lies in the calculation of calories?
There is no doubt that determine the amount of calories plays a big role in reducing obesity, but Do not let your job or concern a source of tension for you (proven that stress plays a major role in weight gain). Instead Fill your plate with nutrient-rich foods such as lean protein, fruits and vegetables and whole grains. These foods provide high nutritional value with fewer calories. So eat a lot and feeling of satiety without affecting your waist.
Are carbohydrates cause the accumulation of fat around the abdomen?
Despite all the diet plans that I have read about since the nineties on the role of carbohydrate in the accumulation of fat, this information is not 100% accurate. Certainly the increase in carbohydrate consumption leads to gain more weight, like the rest of the food. It is important here, as we said in the past to achieve a balance between calorie other inflows and outflows. So if a person is eating fewer calories, these calories turn into fat and stored in different parts of the body (especially abdominal) if they are not burned. A witness here is moderation in everything. It is also preferable to get carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Because these items provide you with the necessary fiber and make you feel full at the same time.
Is it possible to lose weight with eating dairy products?
Certainly. In fact, reduce the amount of milk may stimulate the body to produce more fat cells, according to a study published in the Journal of Food Hygiene. When a lower calcium level, the body will secrete the hormone known as cholesterol, which is working to increase the proportion of the production of fat cells. So if you want to reduce fat cells, you have to eat dairy products well proportioned so that the body can break down fat and become fat cells softer and therefore you get a flat belly. Eat yogurt and a bit of cheese. Because dairy products rich in calories, so always make sure to eat a small percentage or committed low-fat types.

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