Fat Burning Soup Diet hacks !

If you want to lose 5 kilos in a week we recommend you experience burning fat soup that will help you lose weight . Learn how to prepare and Rediscover What is this soup diet program .

Cut the eggplant with a grain of grain Islands and other large onion and pepper , to draw with a grain of TWO tomatoes and put them in two liters of water in a pot on the fire . And add them cabbage section and half a cup of green beans and a bunch of chopped celery . Then add salt to taste them with a teaspoon curry and other black pepper . Simmer until cooked on the fire . Upon completion blender, you can mix the ingredients for soup fat burning .

The program followed with soup diet to lose weight is as follows :

The first Day : Add to the soup you can eat all kinds of fruits except bananas throughout the day.

Second Day : Eat soup with all kinds of vegetables , including leafy cooked or raw , except chickpeas, peas and corn. Can eat potato large size with a little butter meal for dinner .

Third Day : Throughout the day you can eat soup with fruits and vegetables .

Fourth Day : Eat three meals in soup with bananas and a glass of skim milk in the morning .

Fifth Day : Depend on basic soup meal with low-fat steak with oven- roasted tomatoes.

Sixth Day : On this day, I eat soup with steak and vegetables except potatoes.

Seventh Day : with the soup you can eat brown rice with vegetables and fruits.

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